
Version 1.9.72 (Release Notes)

Tiny Dream is a header only, dependency free*, partially uncensored, Stable Diffusion implementation** written in C++ with primary focus on CPU efficiency, and smaller memory footprint. Tiny Dream runs reasonably fast on the average consumer hardware, require only 1.7 ~ 5.5 GB of RAM to execute, does not enforce Nvidia GPUs presence, and is designed to be embedded on larger codebases (host programs) with an easy to use C++ API. The possibilities are literally endless, or at least extend to the boundaries of Stable Diffusion's latent manifold.

* Exception for the backend tensor library of course which is ncnn as of this release, with planned transition to ggml. Refer to the Roadmap section for additional information.
** Stable Diffusion 1.x using the CLIP transformer for token embedding, 512*512 pixels output that can be upscaled to 2048x2048 high resolution output.

Principle of Diffusion models. The prompt used to generate such image using the Tiny Dream C++ API is:
"pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, sun, (landscape), (high quality)"

Pixel generate
Prompt used to generate such image: pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, sun, (landscape), (high quality)
Principle of Diffusion models Illustration courtesy of Binxu Wang , Ph.D candidate, Harvard University.

Stable Diffusion , a powerful, open-source text-to-image generation model launched publicly by Stability.ai in August, 2022, and is designed to produce images matching input text prompt. Stable Diffusion rely on the latent diffusion model architecture, a variant of the diffusion model which maps to the latent space using a fixed Markov chain . The goal of diffusion models is to learn the latent structure of a dataset by modeling the way in which data points diffuse through the latent space . They are designed to learn the underlying structure of a dataset by mapping it to a lower-dimensional latent space. This latent space represents the data in which the relationships between different data points are more easily understood and analyzed.

PixLab | Symisc Systems Open Source, ML/DL related projects namely:
Tiny Dream, ASCII Art & SOD


  • Smallest, Run-Time Memory Footprint for Running Stable Diffusion on Inference
    • Tiny Dream maximizes memory efficiency thanks to ONNX quantization , allowing for seamless image generation with minimal memory footprint.
    • As of this release, only 5.5GB of RAM are needed for Stable Diffusion Inference with high-resolution, 2048x2048 pixels output.
    • Further memory gain (1.7GB ~ 4GB) can be achieved with standard, medium quality 512x512 pixels output.
  • OpenCV Dependency Free
    • You do not need to link to OpenCV or any other bloated image processing library.
    • Only stb_image_write.h from the excellent stb single-header, public domain C library is required for saving images to disk.
  • Straightforward to Integrate on Existing Codebases
    • Just drop tinydream.hpp and stb_image_write.h on your source tree with the Pre-trained assets.
    • The library exposes a single C++ class named tinyDream with just 8 public methods.
    • No output to stdout/stderr. You just supply your log consumer callback, and redirect the generated log messages to your favorite stream (eg Terminal, Disk File or Network Socket).
  • Reasonably fast on Intel/AMD CPUs
    • With TBB threading, Intel MKL*, and AVX vectorization.
    • Intel i9-9990XE Intel i7-13700 Ryzen 9-5900X
      2.98s ~ 5.07s Clock: 5.0GHz ~ 4.0GHz 10.09s ~ 8.16s Clock: 2.8GHz ~ 3.9GHz 5.38s ~ 4.02s Clock: 3.7GHz ~ 4.8GHz
      Slowest to fastest inference time (single seed) expressed in seconds with clock speed (base & turbo-boost) under various background loads for a standard 512x512, non-upscaled PNG image. Please note that PixLab maintain a private fork of NCNN that is extremely optimized for the x86 architecture so inference speed may vary if reproduced on your machine.
  • Support Real-ESRGAN , A Super Resolution Network Upscaler
    • Generate extremely high-resolution, 2048x2048 pixels output thanks to this neural network. This extra step is a CPU intensive operation, and takes few seconds to complete.
  • Full Support for Negative Words
    • Supply an extra set of words that allows you to list what you don't want to see generated such as gore or NSFW  content besides your Positive Prompts.
  • Full Support for Words Priority
    • Instruct the model to pay attention, and give higher priority to word (keywords) surrounded by parenthesis ().
    • square brackets [] on the other side are used to reduce word importance.
  • Support for Output Metadata
    • Link meta information to your output images such as copyright notice, comments, or any other meta data you would like to see linked to your image.
  • Support for Stable Diffusion Extra Parameters
    • Adjust Seed resizing: A way to generate the same image but at slightly different resolution.
    • Control how much the image generation process follows the text prompt using guidance scale.
    • Adjust sampling steps during Stable Diffusion Inference.

Getting Started

Integrating Tiny Dream on your existing code base is straightforward. Here is what to do without having to do a lot of tedious reading and configuration:

1. Download The Tiny-Dream Source Code
  • Download the latest public release of Tiny Dream, and extract the package on a directory of your choice. Usually, extraction occur on the source tree of your existing codebase for example).
  • Refer to the download section below to get a copy of the Tiny Dream source code as well as the Pre-Trained Models & Assets.
2. Embedding Tiny-Dream
  • The Tiny Dream source code comprise only two header files that is tinydream.hpp and stb_image_write.h.
  • All you have to do is drop these two C/C++ header files on your source tree, and instantiate a new tinyDream object as shown on the pseudo C++ code below:
#include "tinydream.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    tinyDream td; // stack allocated tinyDream object

    // Display the library current inference engine, version number, and copyright notice
    std::cout << tinyDream::about() << std::endl;
    // At least a positive prompt must be supplied via command line
    if (argc < 2) {
        std::cout << "Example of Prompts:" << std::endl;
        // Example of built-in Positive/Negative Prompts
        auto prompts = tinyDream::promptExample();
        std::cout << "\tPositive Prompt: " << prompts.first << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\tNegative Prompt: " << prompts.second << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Register a log handler callback responsible of 
    // consuming log messages generated during inference.
    td.setLogCallback(logCallback, nullptr);
    // Optionally, set the assets path if the pre-trained models
    // are not extracted on the same directory as your executable
    td.setAssetsPath("/path/to/tinydream/assets"); // Remove or comment this if your assets are located on the same directory as your executable
    // Optionally, set a prefix of your choice to each freshly generated image name
    // Optionally, set the directory where you want
    // the generated images to be stored

   * Finally, run Stable Diffusion in inference
   * The supplied log consumer callback registered previously should shortly receive
   * all generated log messages (including errors if any) during inference.
   * Refer to the official documentation at: https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#tiny-dream-method
   * for the expected parameters the tinyDream::dream() method takes.
    for (int seed = 1; seed < seedMax; seed++) {
        std::string outputImagePath;

            true, /* Set to false if you want 512x512 pixels output instead of 2048x2048 output */

        std::cout << "Output Image location: " << outputImagePath << std::endl; // uncomment this if too intrusive
    return 0;

👏 You have successfully integrated Tiny Dream. To build & generate an executable for the boilerplate application , refer to the next section...

3. Building Tiny-Dream 💡
  • Building Tiny-Dream from source require a modern C++17 compiler such as GCC 7 or later, Clang or Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVC).
  • You also need to link to the default backend Tensor library in order to generate the executable.
  • As of this release, NCNN is the default tensor library. On our Roadmap, we plan to ditch ncnn to a less bloated tensor library such as SOD or GGML with focus on CPU efficiency.
  • An example of generating a heavy optimized executable without relying on a external build manager is shown just below:
git clone https://github.com/symisc/tiny-dream.git
cd tiny-dream
g++ -o tinydream boileplate.cpp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Ofast -flto=auto  -funroll-all-loops -pipe -march=native -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra `pkg-config --cflags --libs ncnn` -lstdc++ -pthread -Wl -flto -fopt-info-vec-optimized
./tinydream "pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, (landscape), (high quality)"
  • Just reproduce the steps above on your terminal to generate a heavy optimized build for your target platform.
  • Alternatively, you can rely on a build manager such as CMAKE to build the executable for you. The Tiny-Dream repository repository already contain the necessarily CMAKE template to build the executable from source.
4. Get the Pre-Trained Models & Assets
  • Once your executable built, you will need the Tiny Dream pre-trained models & assets path accessible to your executable.
  • The Tiny Dream assets comprise all pre-trained models (over 2GB as of this release) required by the tinyDream::dream() method in order to run stable diffusion in inference (image generation).
  • You can download the pre-trained models from the Download section below.
  • Once downloaded, extract the assets ZIP archive in a directory of your choice (usually the directory where your executable is located), and set the full path via tinyDream::setAssetsPath() or from the Tiny Dream constructor.
5. C++ Usage Example

The C++ gist below highlights a typical integration usage of Tiny Dream on an existing C++ code base:

* Tiny Dream Integration Boilerplate.
* Compile this file together with the Tiny Dream header (tinydream.hpp) to generate
* the executable. Example of heavy optimized compilation under g++:
* g++ -o tinydream boileplate.cpp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Ofast -flto=auto -funroll-all-loops -pipe -march=native -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra `pkg-config --cflags --libs ncnn` -lstdc++ -pthread -Wl -flto -fopt-info-vec-optimized
* To run the program simply type:
* ./tinydream "pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, (landscape), (high quality)"
* Under Microsoft Visual Studio (>= 2019), just drop `tinydream.hpp` on your source
* tree and you're done.
* Do not forget to link to the current backend tensor library (TINY_DREAM_INFERENCE_ENGINE).
* You will need to Pre-trained Models from https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#downloads in order
* to start generating images (Stable Diffusion Inference).
* If you have any trouble integrating Tiny-Dream on your project, please submit a support
* ticket at: https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream
* This simple program is a quick introduction on how to embed
* and start experimenting with Tiny Dream (Stable Diffusion inference)
* without having to do a lot of tedious reading and configuration.
* Make sure you have the latest release of Tiny-Dream
* plus the Pre-Trained Models from:
* https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#downloads
* The Tiny Dream C++ documentation is available to consult on:
* https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream
* https://github.com/symisc/tiny-dream
#include "tinydream.hpp"
#include <iostream>
* Register a log consumer callback first
* The main task of the supplied callback is to consume log messages
* generated during Stable Diffusion inference.
* Inference may take some time to execute depending on the available
* resources so it make sense to log everything to the terminal or
* text file for example.
* The supplied callback must have the following signature:
* void(const char *zLogMsg,int msgLen void *pUserData)
* Refer to the setLogCallback() API documentation at: https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#set-log-callback
* for additional information.
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined (_MSC_VER)
#include <Windows.h>
#define TD_WIN
/* Assume POSIX compatible */
#include <unistd.h>
void logCallback(const char* zLogMsg, int msgLen, [[maybe_unused]] void* pCookie)
// All this log consumer callback does, is just redirecting
// the generated log messages by the inference engine
// to the default standard output (STDOUT)
#ifdef TD_WIN
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), static_cast<LPCVOID>(zLogMsg), static_cast<DWORD>(msgLen), 0, 0);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, static_cast<const void*>(zLogMsg), static_cast<size_t>(msgLen));
#endif /* __WINT__ */
* Main Entry Point. The only required argument is the Positive Prompt.
* Passing a Negative Prompt (words separated by commas) is highly recommended though.
* We recommend that you experiment with different seed & step values
* in order to achieve a desirable result.
* ./tinydream "positive prompt" ["negative prompt"] [seed] [step]
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tinyDream td; // stack allocated tinyDream object
// Display the library current inference engine, version number, and copyright notice
std::cout << tinyDream::about() << std::endl;
// At least a positive prompt must be supplied via command line
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "Missing Positive (and potentially Negative) Prompt: Describe something you'd like to see generated..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Example of Prompts:" << std::endl;
// Example of built-in Positive/Negative Prompts
auto prompts = tinyDream::promptExample();
std::cout << "\tPositive Prompt: " << prompts.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tNegative Prompt: " << prompts.second << std::endl;
return -1;
// Register a log handler callback responsible of
// consuming log messages generated during inference.
td.setLogCallback(logCallback, nullptr);
// Optionally, set the assets path if the pre-trained models
// are not extracted on the same directory as your executable
// The Tiny-Dream assets can be downloaded from: https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#downloads
td.setAssetsPath("/path/to/tinydream/assets"); // Remove or comment this if your assets are located on the same directory as your executable
// Optionally, set a prefix of your choice to each freshly generated image name
// td.setImageOutputPrefix("tinydream-");
// Optionally, set the directory where you want
// the generated images to be stored
int seedMax = 90;
if (argc > 3) {
* Seed in Stable Diffusion is a number used to initialize the generation.
* Controlling the seed can help you generate reproducible images, experiment
* with other parameters, or prompt variations.
seedMax = std::atoi(argv[3]);
int step = 30;
if (argc > 4) {
* adjusting the inference steps in Stable Diffusion: The more steps you use,
* the better quality you'll achieve but you shouldn't set steps as high
* as possible. Around 30 sampling steps (default value) are usually enough
* to achieve high-quality images.
step = std::atoi(argv[4]);
* User Supplied Prompts - Generate an image that matches the input criteria.
* Positive Prompt (required): Describe something you'd like to see generated (comma separated words).
* Negative Prompt (optional): Describe something you don't like to see generated (comma separated words).
std::string positivePrompt{ argv[1] };
std::string negativePrompt{ "" };
if (argc > 2) {
negativePrompt = std::string{ argv[2] };
* Finally, run Stable Diffusion in inference
* The supplied log consumer callback registered previously should shortly receive
* all generated log messages (including errors if any) during inference.
* Refer to the official documentation at: https://pixlab.io/tiny-dream#tiny-dream-method
* for the expected parameters the tinyDream::dream() method takes.
for (int seed = 1; seed < seedMax; seed++) {
std::string outputImagePath;
true, /* Set to false if you want 512x512 pixels output instead of 2048x2048 output */
// You do not need to display the generated image path manually each time via std::cout
// as the supplied log callback should have already done that.
std::cout << "Output Image location: " << outputImagePath << std::endl; // uncomment this if too intrusive
return 0;
  • The above code should be self-explanatory, and easy to understand for the average C++ programmer. A new tinyDream object is allocated on the stack, and initialized on line 83 of the gist above.
  • Library inference engine, version number & copyright notice, are shown on line 86 of the gist via call to the tinyDream::about() static method.
  • At least, one argument is required that is the Positive Prompt which consists of words separated by commas that describe something you'd like to see generated. If no arguments were provided, an example of Positive & Negative Prompts are shown on line 93 via call to the tinyDream::promptExample() static method, and the program exits immediately.
  • Optionally, a log consumer callback is registered on line 101 via call to the tinyDream::setLogCallback() method. Inference is a heavy process, and may take some time to execute depending on the available resources so it make sense to log everything to the terminal or a text file during execution for a better user experience or to get an insight of what went wrong during the entire process.
  • Pre-trained models path is set on line 106 via call to the tinyDream::setAssetsPath() method. The Tiny Dream assets comprise all pre-trained models (over 2GB as of this release) required by the tinyDream::dream() method in order to run stable diffusion in inference (image generation). You can download the pre-trained assets from the Download section below. You can also set the path directly from the constructor without calling this method.
  • Please note that if your Tiny Dream assets are located on the same directory where your executable reside, there is no need then to specify any path, the constructor default argument handle this specific case for you.
  • Seed & Steps extra parameters are collected if available which controls respectively the resolution, and the accuracy (input text criteria) of the image generation process.
  • Finally, Stable Diffusion inference took place on line 158 of the gist above via single call to the tinyDream::dream()method. On successful execution, the generated image path is copied to the outputImagePath parameter, and the supplied log callback should report any errors if any during the entire process.
6. Continue with The C++ API Reference Guide

The Tiny Dream C++ Interface, provides detailed specifications for all of the various methods the Tiny Dream class exports. Once the reader understands the basic principles of operation for Tiny Dream, that section should serve as a reference guide.


Tiny Dream Source Code

Release 1.7.5

This ZIP archive contains all C++ source code for Tiny Dream combined into a single header file for easier integration on your existing code base. You may refer to the Getting Started section above for a step-by-step integration guide.

Tiny Dream Pre-Trained Models & Assets

2GB of Assets

This ZIP archive contains all Pre-Trained Models & 2GB of Assets required for Stable Diffusion Inference. Once downloaded, extract the assets ZIP archive in a directory of your choice (usually the directory where your executable is located), and set the path via the Tiny Dream constructor or from the tinyDream::setAssetsPath() method. The assets package is available to download for a one-time fee of $29.


As we continue to develop and improve Tiny Dream, we have an exciting roadmap of future addons and enhancements planned. Here's a glimpse into what you can expect in the future:

  • Highest Priority Move the Tensor library from NCNN to a non bloated one such as SOD or GGML with focus on CPU performance.
  • Highest Priority Output SVG, and easy to alter formats (potentially PSD) rather than static PNGs.
  • Hot Provide a Cross-Platform GUI to Tiny Dream implemented in Dear imGUI.
  • Hot Provide a Web-Assembly port to the library once the future Tensor library (SOD or GGML) ported to WASM.
  • Low Provide an Android, proof of concept, show-case APK.

You may refer to the PixLab Blog for the upcoming updates & announcements, and to the Tiny Dream repository for the roadmap progress & implementation.


Tiny Dream is released under the GNU Affero General Public License
  • Tiny Dream is a dual-licensed, open source product. The complete source code of the library, and related utility are freely available on Github.
  • Tiny Dream is released under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) .
  • The AGPLv3 license permits you to use Tiny Dream at no charge under the condition that if you use the library in a host application, the complete source code for your application must be available and freely redistributable under reasonable conditions.
  • If you wish to derive a commercial advantage by not releasing your application under the AGPLv3 or any other compatible open source license, you must purchase a non-exclusive commercial Tiny Dream license.
  • By purchasing a commercial license, you do not longer have to release your application's source code. Please reach out to licensing@pixlab.io to place an order and/or for additional information about the licensing situation.

C++ API Reference

This section define the C++ language interface to Tiny Dream. For a tutorial introduction, please refer to the Getting Started section above. As of this release, the library expose a single class with just eight methods, making it easy to use & integrate in your existing C++ projects. The exposed methods are documented below.

tinyDream Public Methods:

tinyDream::tinyDream(const std::string& assetsPath = "./assets/");

Constructor for the tinyDream class.

  • Instantiate a new tinyDream object ready for Stable Diffusion Inference. The constructor takes an optional argument assetsPath which specifies the path to the pre-trained models required by the tinyDream::dream() method in order to accept prompts and generate images that matches the input criteria.
  • Once the object instantiated, you can start registering log callback, assets path location, image storage directory, name prefixes, etc. and finally calls tinyDream::dream() for inference.
  • You can download the pre-trained assets from the Download section above. Once downloaded, extract the assets ZIP archive in a directory of your choice (usually the directory where your executable is located), and optionally set the path via the constructor or tinyDream::setAssetsPath().
const std::string& assetsPath

Optional Argument: Full path to the pre-trained models location which can be downloaded from here. If this parameter is omitted, then the current path where the executable is located is assumed (recommended case).

Return Value
void tinyDream::setLogCallback(std::function<void(const char* /* zLogMsg */, int /*msg length*/, void* /* pCookie */) xLogHandler, void* pUserData);

Consume log messages via an external log handler callback. The main task of the supplied callback is to consume log messages generated during Stable Diffusion inference. Inference may take some time to execute depending on the available resources so it make sense to log everything to the terminal or text file for example.

std::function<> xLogHandler

Log consumer callback. The supplied callback must have the following signature:

void(const char *zLogMsg,int msgLen void *pUserData)

The supplied callback must accept three arguments:

  • The first argument is a pointer to a null terminated string holding the generated log message.
  • The second argument is the size in bytes of the generated log message.
  • The last argument is the pUserData opaque pointer forwarded verbatim to your callback whenever a log message is generated.

Please note that depending on the load & inference parameters, the log consumer callback may be called dozens if not hundred of times, so make sure your supplied callback runs without blocking, and as fast as possible to avoid wasting CPU cycles.

void *pUserData

Arbitrary user pointer which is forwarded verbatim by the engine to the supplied callback as its third argument.

Return Value
void tinyDream::setAssetsPath(const std::string& assetsPath);

Set the pre-trained models path. The Tiny Dream assets comprise all pre-trained models (over 2GB as of this release) required by the tinyDream::dream() method for stable diffusion inference (image generation).

You can download the pre-trained assets from the Download section above. Once downloaded, extract the assets ZIP archive in a directory of your choice (usually the directory where your executable is located), and set the full path via this method or from the Tiny Dream constructor. You do not need to call this method if the assets are located on the same directory where your executable reside.

const std::string& assetsPath

Full or relative path to the pre-trained models location which can be downloaded from here.

Return Value
void tinyDream::setImageOutputPath(const std::string& outputPath = "./");

Set a directory of your choice where you want your output images to be stored. The default path is set to the current directory where the executable reside.

const std::string& outputPath

Full or relative path to the desired location where you want the generated images to be stored.

Return Value
void tinyDream::setImageOutputPrefix(const std::string& outputImgPrefix = "tinydream-");

Set a prefix of your choice to the yet to be generated image names. Output image names must be unique during each inference step. The assigned prefix alongside a random string plus the current step, and seed generation will be used to generate this unique name that will reside on the directory of your choice.

const std::string& outputImgPrefix

Prefix to assign to each future image to be generated. The default prefix is set to tinydream-.

Return Value
bool tinyDream::dream(const std::string& positivePrompt, const std::string& negativePrompt,
std::string& outputImgPath, bool upScale = true, int step = 30, int seed = 42);

Stable diffusion inference - Generate high definition output images that matches the input criteria.

Prompts (Positive or Negative) in this implementation are keywords separated by commas where each word describe the thing you'd like to see (or not) generated.

Prior to calling this method, Pre-trained Models & Assets must be accessible to your executable. You can download the Pre-trained models from the Download section above. Once downloaded, extract the assets ZIP archive in a directory of your choice (usually the directory where your executable is located), and optionally set the full path (if located outside the current executable directory) via tinyDream::setAssetsPath() or from the Tiny Dream constructor.

Depending on the step, and seed parameters, it make sense to call this method more than once (ie dozen times) to achieve the desired result. On which case, we recommend that you install a log consumer callback via tinyDream::setLogCallback() to capture log messages generated during inference, and get a detailed overview of what's going on under the hood.

Stable Diffusion is based on the Latent Diffusion architecture, introduced in the High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models paper. There are three main building blocks in Stable Diffusion:

  • Text Encoder: The text-encoder is responsible for converting the input prompt into an embedding space (latent vector).
  • Diffusion Model & Image Encoder: Diffusion models are trained to denoise random Gaussian noise (64x64 latent image patch) step by step, to get to a sample of interest.
  • Image Decoder: Finally, the decoder is responsible for converting the latent patches into 512x512 pixels output.

const std::string& positivePrompt

Describe something you'd like to see generated using words separated by commas. High priority or meta instructions (eg image quality) must be surrounded by parenthesis.

Example: the following prompts will generate a high quality, landscape picture of a pyramid surrounded by palm trees and a river in the middle of the desert:
"pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, sun, (landscape), (high quality)".

const std::string& negativePrompt

Optional String, defaults to the empty string: An extra set of keywords that allows you to list what you do not want to see generated. Example of such keywords are:
"blood, mutilation, gore, genitals, nudity, destruction".

std::string& outputImgPath

On successful inference, the path to the generated image location will be copied to the supplied string object.

bool upScale

Optional Boolean, defaults to true. When true, the inference output is a high resolution, 2048x2048 image instead of the standard, medium resolution 512x512 Stable Diffusion output (when this field is set to false). This extra step is compute intensive, takes few seconds to complete, and is powered by Real-ESRGAN , a Super Resolution Network Upscaler.

int seed

Optional integer, defaults to 42. Seed in Stable Diffusion is a number used to initialize the generation. Controlling the seed can help you generate reproducible images, experiment with other parameters, or prompt variations.

int step

Optional integer, defaults to 30. An integer for adjusting the inference steps in Stable Diffusion. The more steps you use, the better quality you'll achieve but you shouldn't set steps as high as possible. Around 30 sampling steps (default value) are usually enough to achieve high-quality images. Using more may produce a slightly different picture, but not necessarily better quality. In addition, the iterative nature of the process makes generation slow; the more steps you'll use, the more time it will take to generate an image. In most cases, it's not worth the additional wait time.

Return Value

Boolean true is returned on successful inference, false is returned otherwise. On which case, log messages captured by your log consumer callback should give you an insight of what went wrong during the whole image generation process.

 static std::pair<std::string /*Positive Prompt */, std::string /* Negative Prompt*/> tinyDream::promptExample();

Return a hard-coded, prompt example template to be passed to the tinyDream::dream() method. This static method is of no particular interest except to familiarize the developer (in lack of imagination) with the library prompt inputs.

Return Value

This static method never fail, and always return a standard template std::pair object holding the positive prompt in the first field of the std::pair, while the negative prompt is stored in the second field of the pair object.

static const char * tinyDream::about();

Return the current tensor engine, copyright notice, library identification and version number.

Return Value

This static method never fail, and always return a pointer to a null terminated string holding the copyright notice, and the current inference engine.

You may find useful the following open source*, production-ready products developed & maintained by PixLab | Symisc Systems:

  • SOD - An Embedded, Dependency-Free, Computer Vision C/C++ Library.
  • ASCII Art - Real-Time ASCII Art Rendering C Library.
  • UnQLite - An Embedded, Transactional Key/Value Database Engine.
  • FACEIO - Cross Browser, Passwordless Facial Authentication Framework.
  • eKYC Platform - AI Powered ID Scanning APIs.
  • Annotate - Online Image Annotation, Labeling & Segmentation Tool.
  • AI Photo Editor - Online, Web Based, Generative AI Photo Editor.